Foreigners who buy a property in Spain are advised to make a Spanish will. It is likely to be quicker and cheaper to accept an inheritance in Spain if there is a will. The benefits of making a Spanish will include:

  • Less expense for the beneficiaries
  • Quicker & simpler to administer an estate
  • Easier to locate the will
  • Reducing or avoiding inheritance tax
  • Clarity
  • Avoiding having to prove a foreign will
  • Choosing which rules of law you want to apply

A Spanish will

A will questionnaire is sent out explaining the information you need to provide. We prepare the will to be signed before the Spanish notary and attend with you on the day. A translator will also be present when you attend the notary´s office. The original will is retained by the notary and it is registered with the Spanish Last Wills Registry. You receive an official copy of the will. Depending on your circumstances, the will would normally be expressed to apply only to your Spanish assets.


Making a Spanish will in England

If you are unable to travel Spain we can draft a Spanish will for you to sign in England. We advise how it should be signed before a notary public in a different jurisdiction and subsequently registered in Spain.   


Digital will

In order to ensure your digital passports are provided to your heirs, we can assist you make a digital will before the Spanish notary.